Owner & Trainer Messaging

Providing owners and trainers with all the essential information in advance of their day at the races

Owner & Trainer Messaging

Providing essential information before, during and after their day.

From Racecourses to Owners
Once a horse is entered to run at your racecourse Weatherbys can deliver vital, personalised racing information to each individual on your behalf via post, text message or email, in advance of the fixture. Other useful information can be enclosed such as car passes and luncheon vouchers so that come raceday they can simply enjoy the occasion.

Location, parking and entry information, guest badges, food allocation and who to contact on the day are all key elements of this information, all of which is sent out by Weatherbys on behalf of the majority of racecourses in the UK.

From Racecourses to Trainers
Quick, easy and effective communication of racecourse news and updates to trainers, such as entry deadlines, early closing races, traffic warnings and much more.

Targeted and Bespoke Communications
Our bespoke mailings and emails are a particularly effective way for racecourses and groups to communicate with owners and trainers within a select targeted group.  Other bespoke options include pre-season brochures, race series promotions mailings and emails comprising news, prize money updates and a preview in advance of a season opener. 

Contact Us
Speak to Liam on 01933 440077 or email [email protected] for more information..

Owner & Trainer Messaging Examples